Bishop Auckland Food Festival 2025 FAQs

Contact Details

Email enquiries:



Bishop Auckland Food Festival social media handles


@BishFoodFest on Facebook, X, and Instagram

Get the latest updates at #BishFoodFest

For the latest traffic and travel information follow @DurhamCouncil


Festival Opening Times

Saturday 12 April 2025 – 10:00am to 5:00pm

Sunday 13 April 2025 – 10:00am to 4:00pm


What is Bishop Auckland Food Festival?

Bishop Auckland Food Festival takes place on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 April 2025.There’ll be a host of tasty treats from around 140 traders and producers, mouth-watering demonstrations from famous faces in the cookery world and fun for all the family all weekend with a fantastic programme of family entertainment, and live music.


Who makes Bishop Auckland Food Festival happen? 

Bishop Auckland Food Festival is commissioned and operated by Durham County Council, their Festivals,  Events and Cultural Engagement Team manage the festival and is supported by Channell Events for programming, trader management, marketing and PR support. It is supported by Visit County Durham and Bishop Auckland Town Council.


Will I need a ticket for Bishop Auckland Food Festival?

You don’t need a ticket to visit the main festival and stalls, but some activities such as workshops are ticketed. Tickets can be purchased through this website when they go on sale and can be bought online.


Travelling to Bishop Auckland Food Festival

What’s the best way to get to the festival?

We strongly advise that you use public transport or the park and ride which will operate from Bishop Auckland College, so you don’t have to worry about where to park your car and are less likely to get stuck in any traffic jams.

See the Visiting page for more information on getting to Bishop Auckland:


Park and Ride Service

An accessible park and ride service will be in operation for visitors between Bishop Auckland College (DL14 6JZ) and the town centre.

Buses will run from 9.30am on Saturday and Sunday, the last return bus will run at 5.30pm on Saturday and 4.30pm on Sunday.


Park and Ride Costs

Return tickets cost £2.50 for adults, 50 pence for children aged five to 15 years old and are free for those under five.


Bishop Auckland Town Centre Car Parks

Town centre car parks will be open but may be busy and drivers should be aware of diversions due to road closures for the event.  Please ensure you check the opening times of these car parks as some do close and remain closed overnight.


Public Transport

Other regular bus and rail services will also be operating over the weekend.


I have mobility issues. Is special parking provided?

Most of the public car parks have Blue Badge provision however, the festival is extremely busy and it can be difficult to find a space.  The park and ride that operates from Bishop Auckland College could be a good option and the buses have accessible facilities.


I want to take a large coach party to the festival; how do I do this?

There are drop off points at all regular bus stops, but please do take into account that road closures are in place in the Market Place.


Planning Your Visit

I have mobility issues, where can I find out information about how to get around?

Bishop Auckland is generally an accessible town and all food traders are at ground level in the market place.

Bishop Auckland Town Hall is fully accessible for disabled customers. There are lifts to all floors and there is an accessible toilet on the first floor, which is open to the public during the festival

Sunday afternoon is usually a quieter time to visit the festival.


Where can I find public toilets?

Bishop Auckland Town Hall has some toilet provision and there will be outdoor portable toilets across the festival site.


Are dogs allowed?

Dogs are welcome at the festival but please be aware that a large number of people attend the festival. We would recommend that dogs are kept are on a lead.


What music will there be at the festival?

There will be live music around the festival for visitors to enjoy. The informal performances will come from musicians from a range of genres. See event timetable for times.


What happens if the weather is bad?

In most cases, the festival will take place whatever the weather. Check the website and social media for up-to-date information.




Business & City Resident Info

Where can I find out information about road closures for the festival (Business and Residents)?

There will be a number of road closures in and around the town leading up to and during the festival. We would advise to make sure you leave plenty of travelling time if you’re travelling to the festival.

Businesses and residents who are affected by the road closures should receive information letters with further details. If you haven’t received a letter, and think you are affected, please contact


Road Closure Map

road closure



Where can I get help booking accommodation during the festival?

Durham’s Visitor Contact Centre can put you in touch with hotel and other accommodation providers in the county. They do fill up very quickly around the festival, so we recommend booking accommodation as early as possible.

Call the Visitor Contact Centre or Contact them on 03000 26 26 26 or email .


Will there be official photography and filming taking place?

Yes, there will be official photography and filming taking place throughout the festival footprint.


Crowd management / emergencies

Public and crowd safety (if a member of public asks):

Public safety is at the heart of preparing for Bishop Auckland Food Festival and we have worked extremely closely with the police, fire and rescue service, ambulance service and the Safety Advisory Group for many months to put a robust plan in place.



Bishop Auckland Food Festival Layout

  Coming soon